Sunday, February 28, 2010

Spring Project

It has been fun at A Way Back!! Projects,projects, and more projects. Don decided that John Deere needed a garage. So, after clearing ground, burning brush, bringing in sand and getting a permit (the hardest part of this project)the fun began. This is the fun you are missing.

We have had spectacular weather for most of this month. Although there was some rainy days that the guys worked through.

The dogs LOVE rolling in the sand. Buddy has had more baths since the clearing stage of this project than he had all year. As the project continues, we will post new pictures. For those of you that are unfamiliar with the property, the J.D garage is going in right next to the truck port. We now have 4 out buildings. . I think it is time for a Kathlyn project. Do I hear potting shed in the future?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Is it Spring Yet? No, but...

We keep getting closer to spring, and from the looks of the weather map the west coast is closer to spring's arrival than the east coast.

After a few days of rain, we once again had a beautiful day. It was in the 50s today and sunny. Two things happen as a result of such great weather. The first is we get itchy to be outdoors,playing in the sun. For Example, Don and DJ washed vehicles. Kathlyn just wanted her hands in the dirt and "the boys" just want to play in the creek and get muddy! The second is that we each feel the need to complete our winter projects. Now, however, we check the weather forecast. All winter projects are postponed until the next rainy day. The good news for completion rate is that this is still Oregon-so rainy days between now and June are never too far away. Anticipation for spring is harder to predict. We need to be a little cautious about planting anything less than winter hearty plants, unless in our neighbor's potting shed. We still have freezes on clear nights.

We do have a few weekends where we are already busy. Call Don and he can advise you as to when there will be an opening with your name on it. Buddy and Skeeter are looking forward to accompanying anyone on walks or ATV rides. They love to show off the area-they know the best hikes. Buddy is eager to show off new tricks and Skeeter is just eager to show off. Kathlyn will share her newest favorite titles, although she is practicing re-cyclying them, and trying to use the library more frequently. But, she is always willing to give you a list and to transport you to Blue River library.

By the way, there is still time to do some great chainsaw work in either winter cleanup of trails, or in clearing the new space for John Deere's garage. There is always something happening in the big woods next to the creek in the middle of the mountains and near the river.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Spring is right around the corner

Away back is getting ready for spring, even though the ground hog says it is still sixs weeks away. Well to be honest, we need the six weeks to get things ready. Oh the house is nice and toasty, but we are just starting to clean up the gardens. Soon they will look like the picture.

Don is busy with a new project for the John Deere. He is creating its own garage. The Deere has been a deer. It sure saves our backs and just about everyone who comes to Awayback helps out in a project or two with the Deere's help. It is not a requirement. You certainly can just relax, read,or hike, but you always have the option of getting in on the fun!

Anyway, the gardens are getting ready and the bulbs are up, getting ready to bloom. So, start planning your retreat.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A WAY BACK in February

The days have been filled with productivity. February is an interesting month, more wintery than spring-like, but there have been some beautiful days with the sun shining and blue skies above. Of course it still is freezing at night, so apparently the ground hog has it correct-6 more weeks of winter. However, Away Back will be a beautiful retreat by the end of the six weeks. The early bulbs will be in bloom and the new garage will be on its way to completion. Don always has at least one major project going-I think he likes the sound of hammering and chain saws, not to mention that there is nothing as great as a fire being used after clearing a major section of forest debris. Don will plant new trees yet this spring for all the ones that were felled, but they will be in places where they should grow nicely-he has a manageable forest. Away back remains a wonderful way back. It is a way back in the woods, but more importantly it is a way back as in a path to finding whatever it is you need to make your life whole again and to quiet the noise of busy days. It remains a wonderful retreat, even in winter.