Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Roger and Myra's awesome blog

I can not complain about a one hour drive to town any longer. If you have not read Don's niece and her husband's blog-you must. It takes them four hours to get to town. Yikes, that is a long trip. And they find time to post their blog frequently.

I could blame Mr. Busy for not downloading pictures, but since he has been clearing the forest, creating paths, and staying extremely productive I won't complain. I will get some belated shots of A Way Back up in August.

We have had some fun times. Just last night, Matthew and Justin were here for dinner. Matthew Cuthbert is now taller than Don. I guess they fertilize well in southern CA. July was CA visitor month. We had Chaplain and Mrs. Chavarria, and later Dr. and Mrs. Tolsma visit. All visitors from southern CA.

We are awaiting the news that our friends, The Richisons, from San Diego have had their new son. He is due this month. His father is a computer whiz and actually started us on this journey of blogging, listening to pod-casts and so forth. Drdcubed actually has a facebook account, now how is that for keeping up with times? Actually we are pretty slow at texting and at posting updates, but we sure enjoy reading the twitters who tweet and the bloggers who blog. Whoever would have thought that our pens would become rather obsolete. Enough said on that topic.

It is always good to share the pleasures of decompressing at A Way Back. The quiet, the sounds of only water, birds, and the wind in the trees has a way of allowing a person a chance at just breathing rather than worrying. It is one of the gifts of life in the woods on a creek, next to the river, in the middle of the mountains. Just one. Another is the wild life-including a doe that is becoming increasingly more regular and more bold in her forays into our part of the woods. I just hope she can tell the difference between my garden and her playground.

Do check out Roger and Myra's blog. It is a treat. And, yes, pictures of A Way Back to be posted soon.

One additional request, if Don officiated at your wedding, would you send a picture (yes, Don knows how to download and print) as he is completing his memory wall. It looks quite nice.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

July at A Way Back

It looks like I will not post more frequently than once a month. The goal was at least every two weeks, but that is just not going to happen. We stay too busy. By the time I think of updating, I am busy into evening activities. Mornings are dedicated to gardening or sleeping or yoga.

The barn has had some nifty additions worktables, lights, and now pavement to and from. So, a little less mud to deal with. I guess less mud is a good thing.

Don's new project is clearing and thinning our woods-BIG job! After last year's freak lightening strike, we thought that would be a great idea. I usually am the helper, but today we have a very reliable day worker. So, I am reassigned. I do need to freshen up the guest quarters. Our last Sunday's guest has left, and now I need to freshen it up for this Sunday's guest. This is a job I love doing-it is a great quarters.

We are also preparing for our niece and nephew who will be here for a week the first week of August. They too will be on forest clean-up. I do believe it will look quite nice by the end of summer.

The garden's are very nice. They change daily. My edible pea pods are producing and we are eating them as they come in. My tomatoes are not doing as well. They have flowers, and seem healthy, but I am not sure that we will get tomatoes, however, we have not given up hope just yet.

So, that catches you up on the happening at A Way Back. Know that there is always a place for you here and we look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy summer!! Better yet, enjoy some of it here.